Law Office of John Francis PLLC

​When bad things happen to good people – call us .... we are here to help you.
We have experience in criminal defense, including bench and jury trials. Mr. Francis is caring and professional and willing to meet clients in jail to start working toward your release and then toward a positive outcome of your case. We conduct our own investigation in criminal defense cases, and we are interviewing witnesses and starting a defense immediately. We offer phone, video, and personal consultations.
Federal and State misdemeanor or felony charges
DUI/DWI defense
Bond motions
Preliminary hearings and trial either bench or Jury
Assault, and aggravated assault
Theft, burglary, shoplifting and vandalism
Drug crimes, such as possession of drugs, selling or distribution of drugs, distribution of drugs.
Felony Criminal charges up to aggravated assault.
Financial Fraud and Expert Witness
Criminal Appeals